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Example of use: a literary blog



    Following article is only an illustration on how the Context Tips tool may be used.


    Here is a snippet from an interview in which Jonathan explains his take on the matter:

    "Q: You are a fantasy writer. Genre distinctions tell us so. Yet, your stories, your books, are about BIG IDEAS, and seem to defy easy genre classifications. What are your thoughts on genre classifications? Are they needed? I believe your work belongs on the general fiction shelves, and not the fantasy shelves. Thoughts?

    A: I'm asked this all the time and my constant response is: I have a cowboy story I want you to read. Want to read it? Most people will say no. But then I tell you it's Lonesome Dove, which some years ago won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and is simple a great novel. Oh, says the person, that's different. No, it's not different at all. Cowboy stories, mysteries (anyone ever read James Lee Burke? Tell me he's "only" a mystery writer and I'll eat my dog) (...). Genre classification, no matter what kind, immediately turns some people away from work they might otherwise have enjoyed very much. That's why I so deeply dislike being classified as any "kind" of writer. Neil Gaiman was in Poland recently and in some context mentioned me as a fantasy writer. Someone in the audience yelled out in a loud stentorian voice "Carroll does NOT write fantasy." Amen."

    ( the source » )

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